Chiaramonte Residence
Northern Utah
Modern luxury at its finest.
Discover the Chiaramonte Residence, where modern luxury meets cutting-edge technology. This stunning custom home exemplifies the epitome of contemporary living, boasting exquisite details and state-of-the-art features that redefine upscale living.
Meticulously crafted with top-of-the-line materials and the latest advancements in home technology, this home is a testament to modern elegance and sustainability.
Scroll to read a testimonial from this client and view photos of the project.
Client Testimonial
In 2014, I embarked on the journey of building my dream modern home in Salt Lake City. After meticulous research and recommendations, I entrusted Stone Gate Homes, led by Steve Coppieters, with this significant project. Today, as I reflect on this experience, I can confidently say that it was nothing short of exceptional.
From the outset, Steve Coppieters displayed a profound commitment to excellence and personalized service. He guided me through every stage of the process, from collaborating with architects to navigating city approvals. His expertise and attention to detail ensured a seamless and stress-free experience, which is a rarity in the realm of home construction.
One of the most commendable aspects of working with Stone Gate Homes was the unparalleled level of supervision and scrutiny that Steve dedicated to every detail of the build. His hands-on approach ensured that no aspect of the construction process was overlooked. From the foundation to the finishing touches, Steve's meticulous oversight guaranteed that the final product would be nothing short of perfection.
The result of our collaboration is a modern home that stands as a testament to the artistry and precision of Stone Gate Homes. Every corner exudes sophistication, and every feature reflects the most well-thought-out processes. What sets this home apart is its uniqueness; it perfectly encapsulates my vision while surpassing all expectations.
In conclusion, my experience with Stone Gate Homes, led by Steve Coppieters, was undeniably positive. Steve's unwavering dedication, coupled with the team's exemplary craftsmanship, transformed my dream into a tangible reality. If you're seeking a builder who prioritizes quality, professionalism, and personalized service, look no further than Stone Gate Homes. They have set the bar high and exceeded it with flying colors.
Adrian Chiaramonte